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2024 NECSC was established at Taipei Tech

Assisting in Net Zero transformation! National Taipei University of Technology (NTUT) held the inauguration ceremony of the Center for Net Zero Carbon Emission and Corporate Sustainability today (28). The Director of Climate Change Administration, Ministry of the Environment, Ling-Yi Tsai; Director of Industrial Development Administration,Ministry of Economic Affairs, Chih-Ching Yang; Vice President and Chief Sustainable Officer of NTC, Chih-Hsiang Wu; Director of Sustainable Development of Acer, Ching-Ching Liu; and Senior Director of Technical Directorate of Taiwan Mobile University (TWM), Wen-Bin Tsai, were among the distinguished guests who joined in the event. The industry, government, and academia jointly support Net Zero transformation and ESG sustainable development, and cultivate professionals in corporate sustainability and Net Zero carbon management.

Sea-Fue Wang, President of Taipei Tech, said that Taipei Tech has responded to the government's "2050 Net Zero Emissions" policy with practical actions. As the first university in Taiwan to pave a large number of permeable tiles on campus, Taipei Tech has been utilizing civil and environmental engineering technologies for years to gradually create a "sponge campus", and has been ranked the world's first green university in the world for nearly four years in the evaluation of green universities and high-rise type universities. Over the past ten years, Taipei Tech has accumulated about 300 industry-academia cooperation cases in the areas of corporate net-zero and sustainable development, energy-saving and net-zero engineering technologies, resource recycling technologies and policies, sustainable water environment, and green buildings, creating 250 million yuan of energy for industry-academia cooperation.

Mr. Wang pointed out that the establishment of the cross-disciplinary NECSC will serve as a platform for Taipei Tech's net-zero sustainability industry-academia collaboration, with the expectation that ESG will become a new discernment of Taipei Tech, and that it will further assist corporations in promoting net-zero transformation and sustainability assessment, as well as fulfill the function of a "think-tank" and the university's social responsibility.

Ling-Yi Tsai, Director of Climate Change Administration, Ministry of the Environment, said that global warming is accelerating, and the global average temperature in 2023 will be the hottest since the industrial revolution, while global greenhouse gas emissions are still on an upward trend. Therefore, net-zero emissions by 2050 will be a very difficult challenge for the world. In the face of climate change, both mitigation and adaptation must be emphasized. Taiwan has already proposed a 2050 net-zero transformation strategy, which involves the transformation of energy, industry, life and justice, and more importantly, technological research and development. In recent years, the government's budget for net-zero technology has been increasing year by year, and enterprises are in urgent need of green leaders. We are pleased to see the establishment of the NECSC at Taipei Tech, which will help nurture talents and net-zero transformation in Taiwan. We hope that all sectors of the community will work together to create a more sustainable environment for the next generation.

Mr. Chih-Ching Yang, Director of Industrial Development Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs, pointed out that with the growing awareness of the importance of promoting carbon reduction and sustainable development, the Ministry of Economic Affairs hopes to facilitate the linkage of various sectors and encourage enterprises to take concrete actions. It is believed that the establishment of the Center will help promote scientific research and technological innovation, facilitate business participation, and enhance education and training for enterprises and the community, thus providing effective support to the government in formulating and implementing relevant policies.

Director of the NECSC and Taipei Tech Distinguished Professor Hsien-Lun Hu pointed out that the Center's three key technologies and core competencies are energy conservation and net-zero engineering technologies, organic and inorganic resource recycling technologies and policy planning, and corporate net-zero and sustainability management. The university has the only full-scale intelligent refrigeration system and heat pump system integrated development and testing platform in Taiwan, as well as hydrothermal equipment and inorganic polymerization materials for removing organic matter from sewage sludge and synthesizing inorganic polymerization materials, as well as a number of product life-cycle assessment software and environmental data base, which can help enterprises complete the net-zero pathway and sustainability planning. In the next five years, the company will continue to focus on low carbon and biodiversity issues in the AI and ICT industry chain, and provide one-stop net-zero sustainability solutions to help Taiwan enterprises move towards net-zero carbon reduction and sustainability.

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Chinese Resource:https://money.udn.com/money/story/5723/8060630

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