2024 LITEON joins hands with Taipei Tech to form R&D center

LITEON and National Taipei University of Technology (NTUT) announced the establishment of "LITE-ON-Taipei Tech Joint R&D Center" on the 17th, which is a new milestone in the cooperation between the two companies in the R&D of forward-looking technologies. The "LITEON - Taipei Tech Joint R&D Center" will focus on the development and research of advanced materials, technologies and innovative management modes in the forward-looking fields of "Smart Energy" and "AI Artificial Intelligence Technology", and develop in-depth cooperation with the departments of electrical engineering, electronics, photovoltaics, information technology, and materials.

LITEON's President, Mr. Sen-Bin Chiu, said, "LITE-ON takes energy (energy conversion, energy saving, energy control, and energy storage) as the core of its strategic development, and launches the three major green solution tracks, namely, green data center, sustainable transportation, and high-efficiency infrastructure. Meanwhile, in order to lay out the new tracks and key areas in the future, LITE-ON actively strengthens the innovative thinking of R&D talents and the innovative application of advanced technologies to face the rapid changes and various challenges in the world.

Taipei Tech is a leader in smart energy, AI research, automotive and talent innovation. The establishment of the Joint R&D Center will combine the strengths of the two parties and their long-term cooperation experience, and lay out a strategy for recruiting high-level talent in advance, so as to stimulate more potential and innovative applications and solutions for forward-looking R&D technologies.

Sea-Fue Wang, President of Taipei Tech, pointed out that the two sides will use the Joint R&D Center as a management and technology platform to establish a long-term and close industry-academia cooperation link between LITE-ON and Taipei Tech, and to jointly promote the development of forward-looking technologies and cross-domain application research, so as to cultivate high-level R&D talents who can integrate learning and application, assist enterprises in technological innovation, and lay a foundation for leadership in the emerging industry field.

"The "Intelligent Energy" developed by LITE-ON and Taipei Tech Joint R&D Center will focus on forward-looking power electronics, applied to high-efficiency power supply design and clean alternative energy management, and set up a smart grid demonstration site on the Taipei Tech campus for technological validation.
The "AI Artificial Intelligence Technology" will be applied to vehicle driving cognitive analysis and vehicle safety risk control, and will adopt AI image monitoring technology to conduct intelligent sensing and monitoring of driving and the environment outside the vehicle to optimize the quality of image recognition and decision-making, and to enhance human-vehicle safety.

Mr. Yansheng Lai, Director of Lite-On and Chair Professor of Department of Electrical Engineering, NKU, said that the Center will promote the publication of academic papers, patent application and layout, technology transfer, education and training, seminars and keynote speeches, students' participation in competitions, student internships, talent recruitment, consulting, etc. Recently, many famous scholars from the U.S. have been invited to give lectures at the university to build a bridge for cross-country industry-academia-technology exchanges.

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