Enhanced piezoelectric and photocatalytic performance of flexible energy harvester based on CsZn0.75Pb0.25I3/CNC–PVDF composite nanofibers

Synthesizing the lead toxicity reduced inorganic perovskite quantum dots (IPQDs) using eco-friendly cellulose nanocrystals (CNC) ligands and mixed with the ferroelectric polymer (polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF)) for the piezoelectric and photo induced pyrocatalytic applications. IPQDs incorporated PVDF nanofiber render excellent piezoelectricity and intriguingly benefitted with pyro catalytic behavior which becomes the potential of new reusable and toxic-free pyrocatalysts for organic pollution treatments.

Enhanced piezoelectric and photocatalytic performance of flexible energy harvester based on CsZn0.75Pb0.25I3/CNC–PVDF composite nanofibers

Technology Overview
Crystallinity of PVDF enhanced with CsPb0.25Zn0.75I3/CNC quantum dot fillers. Highly flexible and sensitive PPNG device applied to track the human body motions. The PPNG produces a maximum power density of 29 μm cm−3 with 8 MΩ resistive load. Photo pyrocatalytic activity of PPNG is investigated by oxidizing Rhodamine dye.

Applications & Benefits
By taking advantage of perovskite’s photothermal behavior, we achieved excellent pyrocatalytic activity of PPNG (1) towards RhB dye. The hydrophobic flexible nanofiber-based pyrocatalyst offers the potential of new reusable and toxic-free materials for use in organic pollution removal.

The development of high-performance, bio-energy-harvesting and green energy production materials remains a major objective. Perovskite quantum dots have been recently emerging as a potentially relevant material because of their outstanding optoelectronic properties; however, some issues regarding instability and environmental impact remains as stumbling blocks. This research presents a promising and facile method for incorporating lead toxicity reduced inorganic perovskite quantum dots (IPQDs; CsPb0.25Zn0.75I3) with eco-friendly cellulose nanocrystal (CNC) ligands into polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) electrospun nanofibers (PPNG) forming potential piezoelectric and pyroelectric applications. Applying distinct pressures through finger tapping, air pressure, hand bending, fist beating, and foot striking generates intriguing self-powered energy harvesting sensory performances. PPNG produces stable and sensitive signals with highest open-circuit voltage of 20.3 V, short circuit current of 1.2 μA cm−2, and power density of 29.0 μW cm−3. Furthermore, the material was found to be successful in pyrocatalytic decay of Rhodamine-B dye; the maximum dye decay was 91% and it exhibits five reusable cycles with ultra-low lead leakages (<1 ppm) because of the photo thermal property of the IPQDs, and excellent stability offered by dual encapsulation. The wearable and durable performances exhibited by the PPNGs can potentially bring limelight in the fabrication of scalable wearable optoelectronic device.

Chemical Engineering Journal Available online 17 November 2021, 133620

Enhanced piezoelectric and photocatalytic performance of flexible energy harvester based on CsZn0.75Pb0.25I3/CNC–PVDF composite nanofibers
Author:Venkatesan M., Chen W.-C., Cho C.-J., Veeramuthu L., Chen L.-G., Li K.-Y., Tsai M.-L., Lai Y.-C., Lee W.-Y., Chen W.-C., Kuo C.-C.
Source publication:Chemical Engineering Journal Available online 17 November 2021, 133620
Subfield Highest percentage:99%    Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering    #3/336
