2021 The world’s top 2% of top scientists-Scopus

2021 The world’s top 2% of top scientists announced - 27 people from National Taipei University of Technology are on the list

Recently, experts from Stanford University released a "World's Top 2% Scientists 2020" through Scopus's paper influence data, which is mainly divided into "Lifelong Science Influence Rankings (1960- 2020)” and “2020 Science Impact Rankings”.

The list data comes from Scopus, the world's largest citation abstract database, and is scored using the following six key indicators:

1. Total number of citations
2. Hirsch h-index
3. Schreiber Hm-index revised by co-authors
4. Individual author
5. Individual or first author
6. The number of citations of the article by the individual, first or last author

The world’s top 2% of top scientists

Figure 1 The geographical distribution map of the world's most influential scientists


This data provides a measure of the scientist's long-term research performance.
In the 2021 version released this time, the analysis team selected the top 2% of the world’s top 2% scientists from nearly 8 million scientists, covering the five major aspects of applied science, health science, natural science, economic and social science, art and humanities, and ranking points For 20 main disciplines and 176 sub-fields, the data of the top 180,000 scientists in the world, which is different from the list of highly cited scholars, has been published. Figure 1 below shows the position and number distribution of the ranking researchers on the world map. The most influential top 2% of scientists are from the United States, followed by the United Kingdom, followed by Germany, Japan ranked 5th, South Korea ranked 17th, and Taiwan ranked 19th. Taiwan has 1,479 researchers on the list. Among them, Beijing University of Science and Technology has 26 people on the lifelong science influence rankings, and 33 of them are on the 2020 science influence rankings.


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Chinese page link : https://www.elsevier.com/zh-tw/solutions/scopus/worlds-top-2-percent-scientists-2020-taiwan